
SerialTitle() implements the Serial Title API. It offers basic information on registered serials (also known as sources), including publisher details, identifiers, and various metrics.


class pybliometrics.scopus.SerialTitle(issn, refresh=False, view='ENHANCED', years=None, **kwds)[source]

Interaction with the Serial Title API.

  • issn (Union[int, str]) – The ISSN or the E-ISSN of the source.

  • refresh (Union[bool, int], optional) – Whether to refresh the cached file if it exists or not. If int is passed, cached file will be refreshed if the number of days since last modification exceeds that value.

    Default: False

  • view (str, optional) – The view of the file that should be downloaded. Allowed values: STANDARD, ENHANCED, CITESCORE. For details see

    Default: 'ENHANCED'

  • years (str, optional) – A string specifying a year or range of years (combining two years with a hyphen) for which yearly metric data (SJR, SNIP, yearly-data) should be looked up for. If None, only the most recent metric data values are provided. Note: If not None, refresh will always be True.

    Default: None

  • kwds (str) – Keywords passed on as query parameters. Must contain fields and values mentioned in the API specification at


ValueError – If any of the parameters refresh or view is not one of the allowed values.


The directory for cached results is {path}/{view}/{source_id}, where path is specified in your configuration file.

property aggregation_type: str

The type of the source.

property citescoreyearinfolist: List[NamedTuple] | None

(year citescoare) or (when view=”CITESCORE”) (year citescore status documentcount citationcount percentcited rank). rank is None or a named tuple of the form (subjectcode rank percentile).

For more information see the [CiteScore documentation](


A list of named tuples of the form

property eissn: str | None

The electronic ISSN of the source.

property issn: str | None

The ISSN of the source.

property oaallowsauthorpaid: str | None

Whether under the Open-Access policy authors are allowed to pay.

property openaccess: int | None

Open Access status (0 or 1).

property openaccessstartdate

Starting availability date.

property openaccesstype: str | None

Open Archive status (full or partial).

property openaccessarticle: bool | None

Open Access status.

property openarchivearticle: bool | None

Open Archive status.

property openaccesssponsorname: str | None

The name of the Open Access sponsor.

property openaccesssponsortype: str | None

The type of the Open Access sponsor.

property openaccessuserlicense: str | None

The User license.

property publisher: str

The publisher of the source.

URL to info site on

URL to the source’s API page.

property sjrlist: List[Tuple[int, float]] | None

The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator as list of tuples in the form (year, indicator). See

property sniplist: List[Tuple[int, float]] | None

The Source-Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) as list of tuples in the form (year, indicator). See

property source_id: int

The Scopus ID of the source.

property subject_area: List[NamedTuple] | None

List of named tuples of subject areas in the form (area, abbreviation, code) of the source.

property title: str

The title of the source.

property yearly_data: List[NamedTuple] | None

Yearly citation information as a list of namedtuples in the form (year, publicationcount, revpercent, zerocitessce, zerocitespercentsce, citecountsce). That’s the number of documents published in this year, the share of review articles thereof, the number and share of not-cited documents, and the number of distinct documents that were cited in this year.


Return the age of the cached file in days.

Return type:



Return the modification date of the cached file.

Return type:



Return number of remaining requests for the current key and the current API (relative on last actual request).

Return type:

str | None


Return time when current key is reset (relative on last actual request).

Return type:

str | None


You initialize the class with an ISSN or an E-ISSN (works with and without hyphen, but leading zeros are mandatory):

>>> from pybliometrics.scopus import SerialTitle
>>> source = SerialTitle("00368075")

You can obtain basic information just by printing the object:

>>> print(source)
'Science', journal published by 'American Association for the Advancement
of Science', is active in Multidisciplinary
Metrics as of 2023-11-15:
    SJR:  year value
          2022 13.328
    SNIP: year value
          2022 7.729
    ISSN: 0036-8075, E-ISSN: 1095-9203, Scopus ID: 23571

The object has a number of attributes but no methods. For example, information regarding the source itself:

>>> source.title
>>> source.publisher
'American Association for the Advancement of Science'
>>> source.issn
>>> source.eissn
>>> source.source_id

Crucially, it provides three metrics: CiteScore (see here for further information), SCImago Journal Rank indicator (see here), and Source Normalized Impact Factor (SNIP; see here). This information is presented in lists of two-element tuples, with the first element indicating the year of metric evaluation.

>>> source.citescoreyearinfolist
[Citescoreinfolist(year=2022, citescore=59.0),
 Citescoreinfolist(year=2023, citescore=58.8)]
>>> source.sjrlist
[(2022, 13.328)]
>>> source.sniplist
[(2022, 7.729)]

The citescoreyearinfolist property provides detailed information for all available years when view=”CITESCORE” is used. It includes the status of the metric, the document count and citation count (of the previous 4 years), the share of documents actually cited, and the rank and percentile for each related ASJC subject:

>>> source_full = SerialTitle("00368075", view="CITESCORE")
>>> info = pd.DataFrame(source_full.citescoreyearinfolist)
>>> print(info)
    year  citescore       status  documentcount  citationcount  percentcited                             rank
0   2023       58.8  In-Progress           4730         278199            79                  [(1000, 2, 99)]
1   2022       59.0     Complete           4895         288748            82                  [(1000, 2, 98)]
2   2021       57.8     Complete           4823         278545            84                  [(1000, 2, 98)]
3   2020       46.8     Complete           4833         226134            82                  [(1000, 2, 98)]
4   2019       45.3     Complete           4799         217261            81                  [(1000, 2, 98)]
5   2018       47.1     Complete           4681         220642            82                  [(1000, 2, 98)]
6   2017       49.4     Complete           4215         208286            90                  [(1000, 2, 98)]
7   2016       49.5     Complete           4176         206665            89                  [(1000, 1, 99)]
8   2015       46.6     Complete           4016         187040            89  [(2700, 18, 99), (1000, 2, 98)]
9   2014       46.0     Complete           3923         180376            90  [(2700, 18, 99), (1000, 2, 98)]
10  2013       46.9     Complete           3839         179860            92  [(2700, 16, 99), (1000, 2, 98)]
11  2012       46.3     Complete           3861         178780            92  [(2700, 11, 99), (1000, 2, 98)]
12  2011       44.7     Complete           3843         171898            91  [(2700, 12, 99), (1000, 2, 98)]

The yearly_data time series includes the number of documents published in a given year. It contains the number of documents published in this year, the share of review articles thereof, the number and share of not-cited documents, and the number of distinct documents that were cited in this year.

>>> source.yearly_data[-1]
Yearlydata(year=2023, publicationcount=1800, revpercent=2.94,
           zerocitessce=1201, zerocitespercentsce=66.72222222222223,
>>> yearly_data = pd.DataFrame(source.yearly_data)
>>> yearly_data.head()
   year  publicationcount  revpercent  zerocitessce  zerocitespercentsce  citecountsce
0  1996              2395        4.97           655            27.348643        236545
1  1997              2833        6.28           904            31.909636        244078
2  1998              2816        4.69           854            30.326705        254500
3  1999              2373        6.28           532            22.418879        276054
4  2000              2402        6.99           459            19.109076        293867

By default, SerialTitle() retrieves only the most recent metrics, although yearly data is availble from 1996 onwards. If you provide a year or a range of years via the optional parameter years, SerialTitle() will retrieve information for these years (except for the CiteScore):

>>> source_y = SerialTitle("00368075", years="2017-2019")
>>> source_y.citescoreyearinfolist
[Citescoreinfolist(year=2022, citescore=59.0),
 Citescoreinfolist(year=2023, citescore=58.8)]
>>> source_y.sjrlist
[(2017, 14.142), (2018, 13.251), (2019, 13.11)]
>>> source_y.sniplist
[(2017, 7.409), (2018, 7.584), (2019, 7.535)]

Fields associated with the source are stored as a list of namedtuples:

>>> source.subject_area
[Subjectarea(area='Multidisciplinary', abbreviation='MULT', code=1000)]

Additionally, there is information on Open Access status, which, however, is often empty.

Downloaded results are cached to expedite subsequent analyses. This information may become outdated. To refresh the cached results if they exist, set refresh=True, or provide an integer that will be interpreted as maximum allowed number of days since the last modification date. For example, if you want to refresh all cached results older than 100 days, set refresh=100. Use ab.get_cache_file_mdate() to obtain the date of last modification, and ab.get_cache_file_age() to determine the number of days since the last modification.