pybliometrics.scopus.AffiliationRetrieval ========================================= `AffiliationRetrieval()` implements the `Affiliation Retrieval API `_. It provides basic information on registered affiliations, such as city, country, its members, and more. .. currentmodule:: pybliometrics.scopus .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: Documentation ------------- .. autoclass:: AffiliationRetrieval :members: :inherited-members: Examples -------- You initialize the class using Scopus' Affiliation ID: .. code-block:: python >>> from pybliometrics.scopus import AffiliationRetrieval >>> aff = AffiliationRetrieval(60000356) You can obtain basic information just by printing the object: .. code-block:: python >>> print(aff) University of Cape Town in Cape Town in South Africa, has 13,033 associated author(s) and 75,695 associated document(s) as of 2021-07-12 The object has several of attributes but no methods. For example, information regarding the affiliation itself: .. code-block:: python >>> aff.affiliation_name 'University of Cape Town' >>> aff.sort_name 'Cape Town, University of' >>> aff.org_type 'univ' >>> aff.postal_code '7701' >>> 'Cape Town' >>> aff.state 'Western Cape' >>> 'South Africa' >>> aff.org_domain '' >>> aff.org_URL '' There are meta-information, too: .. code-block:: python >>> aff.author_count 13033 >>> aff.document_count 75695 Scopus also collects information on different names affiliated authors use for this affiliation, which `pybliometrics` returns as list of `namedtuples `_: .. code-block:: python >>> aff.name_variants [Variant(name='University Of Cape Town', doc_count=60095), Variant(name='Univ. Cape Town', doc_count=1659), Variant(name='Univ Of Cape Town', doc_count=772), Variant(name='Univ. Of Cape Town', doc_count=392)] Using `pandas `_, you can easily convert this into a DataFrame: .. code-block:: python >>> import pandas as pd >>> print(pd.DataFrame(aff.name_variants)) name doc_count 0 University Of Cape Town 60095 1 Univ. Cape Town 1659 2 Univ Of Cape Town 772 3 Univ. Of Cape Town 392 More on different types of affiliations in section `tips <../tips.html#affiliations>`_. Downloaded results are cached to expedite subsequent analyses. This information may become outdated. To refresh the cached results if they exist, set `refresh=True`, or provide an integer that will be interpreted as maximum allowed number of days since the last modification date. For example, if you want to refresh all cached results older than 100 days, set `refresh=100`. Use `ab.get_cache_file_mdate()` to obtain the date of last modification, and `ab.get_cache_file_age()` to determine the number of days since the last modification.