Source code for pybliometrics.scopus.serial_search

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from pybliometrics.scopus.superclasses import Search
from pybliometrics.scopus.utils import check_parameter_value, make_search_summary

[docs] class SerialSearch(Search): @property def results(self) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]]: """A list of OrderedDicts representing results of serial search. The number of keys may vary from one search result to another depending on the length of yearly data. """ out = [] search_results = self._json['serial-metadata-response'].get('entry', []) for result in search_results: # OrderedDict to populate with individual serial data obs = OrderedDict() for key, value in result.items(): if not value: continue key = key.split(":", 1)[-1] if key == '@_fa': continue elif key == 'subject-area': subject_data = _merge_subject_data(value) obs['subject_area_codes'] = subject_data[0] obs['subject_area_abbrevs'] = subject_data[1] obs['subject_area_names'] = subject_data[2] elif key == 'SNIPList' or key == 'SJRList': for j in _retrieve_source_rankings(value): obs[j[0]] = j[1] elif key == 'citeScoreYearInfoList': for j in _retrieve_cite_scores(value): obs[j[0]] = j[1] elif key == 'link': for j in _retrieve_links(value): obs[j[0]] = j[1] elif key == 'yearly-data': time_data = _retrieve_yearly_data(value.get('info', [])) for j in time_data: obs[j[0]] = j[1] else: obs[key] = value if obs: out.append(obs) return out or None def __init__(self, query: Dict, refresh: Union[bool, int] = False, view: str = 'ENHANCED', **kwds: str ) -> None: """Interaction with the Serial Title API. :param query: Query parameters and corresponding fields. Allowed keys 'title', 'issn', 'pub', 'subj', 'subjCode', 'content', 'oa'. For examples on possible values, please refer to :param refresh: Whether to refresh the cached file if it exists or not. If int is passed, cached file will be refreshed if the number of days since last modification exceeds that value. :param view: The view of the file that should be downloaded. Allowed values: `STANDARD`, `ENHANCED`, `CITESCORE`. For details see :param kwds: Keywords passed on as query parameters. Must contain fields and values listed in the API specification at Raises ------ Scopus400Error If provided value for a query key is invalid or if for non-subscribers the number of search results exceeds 5000. ValueError If any of the parameters `refresh` or `view` is not one of the allowed values. Notes ----- The directory for cached results is `{path}/{view}/{fname}`, where `path` is specified in your configuration file, and `fname` is the md5-hashed version of `query` dict turned into string in format of `'key=value'` delimited by `'&'`. """ # Checks allowed_query_keys = ('title', 'issn', 'date', 'pub', 'subj', 'subjCode', 'content', 'oa') invalid = [k for k in query.keys() if k not in allowed_query_keys] if invalid: raise ValueError(f'Query key(s) "{", ".join(invalid)}" invalid') check_parameter_value(view, ('STANDARD', 'ENHANCED', 'CITESCORE'), "view") # Query self._query = str(query) self._refresh = refresh self._view = view Search.__init__(self, query=query, api='SerialSearch', **kwds) self._n = len(self._json['serial-metadata-response'].get('entry', [])) def __str__(self): """Print a summary string.""" titles = [d['title'] for d in self.results] return make_search_summary(self, "source", titles)
def _merge_subject_data(subject_area_data): """Auxiliary function to collect and concatenate subject area data into string. Returns tuple of strings for subject area names, subject area codes and subject area abbreviations deliminated by `';'`. """ codes = set([j.get('@code') for j in subject_area_data]) abbrevs = set([j.get('@abbrev') for j in subject_area_data]) names = set([j.get('$') for j in subject_area_data]) return (';'.join(filter(None, codes)), ';'.join(filter(None, abbrevs)), ';'.join(filter(None, names))) def _retrieve_links(link_data): """Auxiliary function to collect data on links. Returns list of lists in the form of `[linkname, link]`. """ out = [] for sl in link_data: try: out.append([sl['@ref'], sl.get('@href')]) except KeyError: continue return out or None def _retrieve_yearly_data(yearly_data): """Auxiliary function to collect yearly data. Returns list of lists in the form `[mergedstatname, stat]`, where `mergedstatname` - dictionary key joined with associated period. """ out = [] for t in yearly_data: for key in t: if key not in ('@year', '@_fa'): out.append([f"{key}_{t['@year']}", t[key]]) return out or None def _retrieve_cite_scores(cite_score_data): """Auxiliary function to collect citescore data. Returns list of lists in the form `[mergedstatname, stat]`, where `mergedstatname` - dictionary key joined with associated period. """ out = [] for key in ("citeScoreTracker", "citeScoreCurrentMetric"): try: year = f"{key}_{cite_score_data[key + 'Year']}" val = cite_score_data[key] out.append([year, val]) except KeyError: pass return out or None def _retrieve_source_rankings(source_data): """Auxiliary function to collect SNIP and SJR data. Returns list of lists in the form `[mergedstatname, stat]`, where `mergedstatname` - dictionary key joined with associated period """ out = [] for key in source_data: stats = source_data[key] for t in stats: out.append([f"{key}_['@year']", t['$']]) return out or None