Source code for pybliometrics.scopus.scopus_search

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

from pybliometrics.scopus.superclasses import Search
from pybliometrics.scopus.utils import check_integrity, chained_get,\
    check_parameter_value, check_field_consistency, deduplicate,\
    get_freetoread, listify, make_search_summary

[docs] class ScopusSearch(Search): @property def results(self) -> Optional[List[NamedTuple]]: """A list of namedtuples in the form `(eid doi pii pubmed_id title subtype subtypeDescription creator afid affilname affiliation_city affiliation_country author_count author_names author_ids author_afids coverDate coverDisplayDate publicationName issn source_id eIssn aggregationType volume issueIdentifier article_number pageRange description authkeywords citedby_count openaccess freetoread freetoreadLabel fund_acr fund_no fund_sponsor)`. Field definitions correspond to and return the values as-is, except for `afid`, `affilname`, `affiliation_city`, `affiliation_country`, `author_names`, `author_ids` and `author_afids`: These information are joined on `";"`. In case an author has multiple affiliations, they are joined on `"-"` (e.g. `Author1Aff;Author2Aff1-Author2Aff2`). Raises ------ ValueError If the elements provided in `integrity_fields` do not match the actual field names (listed above). Notes ----- The list of authors and the list of affiliations per author are deduplicated. """ # Initiate namedtuple with ordered list of fields fields = 'eid doi pii pubmed_id title subtype subtypeDescription ' \ 'creator afid affilname affiliation_city ' \ 'affiliation_country author_count author_names author_ids '\ 'author_afids coverDate coverDisplayDate publicationName '\ 'issn source_id eIssn aggregationType volume '\ 'issueIdentifier article_number pageRange description '\ 'authkeywords citedby_count openaccess freetoread '\ 'freetoreadLabel fund_acr fund_no fund_sponsor' doc = namedtuple('Document', fields) check_field_consistency(self._integrity, fields) # Parse elements one-by-one out = [] for item in self._json: info = {} # Parse affiliations info["affilname"] = _join(item, 'affilname') info["afid"] = _join(item, 'afid') info["aff_city"] = _join(item, 'affiliation-city') info["aff_country"] = _join(item, 'affiliation-country') # Parse authors try: # Deduplicate list of authors authors = deduplicate(item['author']) # Extract information surnames = _replace_none([d['surname'] for d in authors]) firstnames = _replace_none([d['given-name'] for d in authors]) info["auth_names"] = ";".join([", ".join([t[0], t[1]]) for t in zip(surnames, firstnames)]) info["auth_ids"] = ";".join([d['authid'] for d in authors]) affs = [] for auth in authors: aff = listify(deduplicate(auth.get('afid', []))) affs.append('-'.join([d['$'] for d in aff])) if [a for a in affs if a]: info["auth_afid"] = ';'.join(affs) else: info["auth_afid"] = None except KeyError: pass date = item.get('prism:coverDate') if isinstance(date, list): date = date[0].get('$') default = [None, {"$": None}] freetoread = get_freetoread(item, ["freetoread", "value"], default) freetoreadLabel = get_freetoread(item, ["freetoreadLabel", "value"], default) new = doc(article_number=item.get('article-number'), title=item.get('dc:title'), fund_no=item.get('fund-no'), fund_sponsor=item.get('fund-sponsor'), subtype=item.get('subtype'), doi=item.get('prism:doi'), subtypeDescription=item.get('subtypeDescription'), issn=item.get('prism:issn'), creator=item.get('dc:creator'), affilname=info.get("affilname"), author_names=info.get("auth_names"), coverDate=date, volume=item.get('prism:volume'), coverDisplayDate=item.get('prism:coverDisplayDate'), publicationName=item.get('prism:publicationName'), source_id=item.get('source-id'), author_ids=info.get("auth_ids"), aggregationType=item.get('prism:aggregationType'), issueIdentifier=item.get('prism:issueIdentifier'), pageRange=item.get('prism:pageRange'), author_afids=info.get("auth_afid"), affiliation_country=info.get("aff_country"), citedby_count=int(item['citedby-count']), openaccess=int(item['openaccess']), freetoread=freetoread, freetoreadLabel=freetoreadLabel, eIssn=item.get('prism:eIssn'), author_count=item.get('author-count', {}).get('$'), affiliation_city=info.get("aff_city"), afid=info.get("afid"), description=item.get('dc:description'), pii=item.get('pii'), authkeywords=item.get('authkeywords'), eid=item.get('eid'), fund_acr=item.get('fund-acr'), pubmed_id=item.get('pubmed-id')) out.append(new) # Finalize check_integrity(out, self._integrity, self._action) return out or None def __init__(self, query: str, refresh: Union[bool, int] = False, view: str = None, verbose: bool = False, download: bool = True, integrity_fields: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]] = None, integrity_action: str = "raise", subscriber: bool = True, **kwds: str ) -> None: """Interaction with the Scopus Search API. :param query: A string of the query as used in the Advanced Search on All fields except "INDEXTERMS()" and "LIMIT-TO()" work. :param refresh: Whether to refresh the cached file if it exists or not. If int is passed, cached file will be refreshed if the number of days since last modification exceeds that value. :param view: Which view to use for the query, see Allowed values: `STANDARD`, `COMPLETE`. If `None`, defaults to `COMPLETE` if `subscriber=True` and to `STANDARD` if `subscriber=False`. :param verbose: Whether to print a download progress bar. :param download: Whether to download results (if they have not been cached). :param integrity_fields: Names of fields whose completeness should be checked. `ScopusSearch` will perform the action specified in `integrity_action` if elements in these fields are missing. This helps avoiding idiosynchratically missing elements that should always be present (e.g., EID or source ID). :param integrity_action: What to do in case integrity of provided fields cannot be verified. Possible actions: - `"raise"`: Raise an `AttributeError` - `"warn"`: Raise a `UserWarning` :param subscriber: Whether you access Scopus with a subscription or not. For subscribers, Scopus's cursor navigation will be used. Sets the number of entries in each query iteration to the maximum number allowed by the corresponding view. :param kwds: Keywords passed on as query parameters. Must contain fields and values mentioned in the API specification at Raises ------ ScopusQueryError For non-subscribers, if the number of search results exceeds 5000. ValueError If any of the parameters `integrity_action`, `refresh` or `view` is not one of the allowed values. Notes ----- The directory for cached results is `{path}/{view}/{fname}`, where `path` is specified in your configuration file and `fname` is the md5-hashed version of `query`. """ # Checks if view: check_parameter_value(view, ('STANDARD', 'COMPLETE'), "view") allowed = ("warn", "raise") check_parameter_value(integrity_action, allowed, "integrity_action") # Parameters if not view: if subscriber: view = "COMPLETE" else: view = "STANDARD" count = 25 if view == "STANDARD" and subscriber: count = 200 if "cursor" in kwds: subscriber = kwds["cursor"] kwds.pop("cursor") if "count" in kwds: count = kwds["count"] kwds.pop("count") # Query self._action = integrity_action self._integrity = integrity_fields or [] self._refresh = refresh self._query = query self._view = view Search.__init__(self, query=query, api='ScopusSearch', count=count, cursor=subscriber, download=download, verbose=verbose, **kwds) def __str__(self): """Print a summary string.""" return make_search_summary(self, "document", self.get_eids())
[docs] def get_eids(self): """EIDs of retrieved documents.""" return [d['eid'] for d in self._json]
def _join(item, key, sep=";"): """Auxiliary function to join same elements of a list of dictionaries if the elements are not None. """ try: return sep.join([d[key] or "" for d in item["affiliation"]]) except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def _replace_none(lst, repl=""): """Auxiliary function to replace None's with another value.""" return [repl if v is None else v for v in lst]